We will be having our last auction of the season on May 28th, 2010 at Okayama Momotaro Koi Farm.This auction will feature 60 tosai koi which will be grown together at the farm and then displayed and judged at our 3rd Annual Momotaro Koi Show in the Autumn. The auction fish will include 20 kohaku, 20 sanke, and 20 showa tosai.
Parent Kohaku
Mako Kohaku 5 years old 92 cmdate of birthJul 2009
Parent Showa
Y Showa 89cm(2009 ZNA ALL Japan Koi Show Best in Varity of Showa)
Male Parant (Mako Showa)date of birthJun 2009
Parent Sanke
Ryu Sanke bloodline 102cm
Male Parent (Mako Sanke)date of birthJul 2009
ที่มาของข้อมูล http://www.momotaro-koi.org/english/index.htm